4 Paradoxes that will blow your mind!

Sagar Bhatnagar
2 min readOct 27, 2020


Think you’re pretty smart? Well no better way than a old fashioned brain teaser to test it out! Here are 4 paradox I found mind-boggling that will definitely leave you puzzled!

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I. “This statement is false.” - Is this statement true or false?

If it’s true, then it’s false. But if it’s false, then it’s true. So which is it? True? False? Both? Neither?

II. A World War II pilot named Yossarian is trying to get out of military duty by requesting a psychiatric evaluation, hoping to be declared insane and therefore unfit to fly. His doctor, however, informs him that anybody trying to get out flying in combat cannot possibly be insane; the insane thing to do would be want to fly into combat. (Source - Joseph Heller, Catch 22)

If Yossarian wants to be considered insane, he has to fly in combat. If he flies in combat, then being labelled as insane doesn’t do him any good.

III. It is supposed that the famous ship sailed by the hero Theseus in a great battle was kept in a harbor as a museum piece, and as the years went by some of the wooden parts began to rot and were replaced by new ones; then, after a century or so, every part had been replaced. The question then is if the “restored” ship is still the same object as the original. (Source - Ship of Theseus)

If you restored a ship by replacing each of its wooden parts, would it remain the same ship? And if you use the removed pieces to create a new ship which ship would be the original?

IV. One day an omnipotent being called Jim, decided that he will create a really heavy rock that is too heavy for himself to lift. Now If Jim can create a rock that He cannot lift, then Jim is not omnipotent. If Jim cannot create a rock so heavy that he cannot lift it, then Jim is not omnipotent.

According to this argument, omnipotence is self-contradictory.

Mind-blown yet? Which one was your favourite? Let me know!

